Soolyman Sportfishing is a Fujairah-based Sport fishing company established in Fujairah since 2009. It is operating fully custom built center console outboard powered fishing boats which run out of the Fujairah International Marine Club over on the East coast of the UAE and only one hour and 15 minutes drive on the new highway from central Dubai.
Our fully qualified, licensed and highly experienced captains share a deep passion for offshore angling and boating alike. We run charters that appeal to the experienced anglers as well as families on a day out fishing.
Fishing in Fujairah
A key advantage to fishing in Fujairah is that, unlike Dubai, the season is a full 12 months long. In fact, fishing in summer is as good as the winter months. Albeit hotter.
We catch in summer and throughout the year Yellowfin Tuna, LongTail Tuna, Dorado, and Marlin. Most of our Striped and Black Marlin have been caught in the warm summer months, and over the past 3 years, this has stretched to the cooler months of October, November, and December. This is great news as we can now offer Marlin fishing trips for 6 months of the year with our best day having released 2 Blacks and 2 Stripeys in 2 consecutive days of fishing.
This combined with the availability of many Sailfish though out the cooler winter months, with Soolyman boats releasing up to and around 50 Sailfish every year, makes chartering out of Fujairah, a prime location that is as good if not better than many top fishing spots that sport fishermen target around the world.
Off Fujairah, the main species that we target are Black & Striped Marlin, Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna, Longtail Tuna, Dorado, Wahoo, Trevalley, Amberjack, Rainbow Runner, Greater Barracuda, Red Snapper & Groupers.
Please note: At Soolyman Sportfishing, we strongly encourage catch and release fishing for the future of our sport and we STRICTLY ONLY catch and release Sailfish and Marlin. We do not need to kill these fish to have them mounted. However, We will still be happy to fillet your other fish if you wish to keep it for the table!
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